Payroll & HR Services

We offer one-stop personnel and payroll solutions centered on payroll and social insurance services, which help clients streamline internal operations effectively and focus on HR functions with more strategic significance. We also supply practical HR consulting services, enhance the strategic importance and business value of HR, and accelerate clients’ development by delivering expert insights, products, and services.

Payroll and Tax Management Service

A full range of solutions for payroll and PRC Individual Income Tax (IIT) services will be provided to help enterprises establish and optimize their payroll and management systems in a legally compliant manner, which include collection, verification, and maintenance of personnel information, attendance management, complex payroll and IIT accounting in all scenarios, multi-currency payroll distribution, IIT management, payroll and statements management, expatriate payroll and tax administration, etc. By providing these services, we will optimize payroll and tax management processes in the enterprises, and improve administrative efficiency and employee satisfaction.

Social Security and Provident Fund Agency Services

We provide comprehensive personnel services such as statutory social welfare management for employees, residence card points and household registration, and special working hours’ management. We also support customers with overall solutions of cost optimization including cooperation with job replacement for the disabled, applications for various government subsidies, and layoff replacement projects, thereby helping enterprises reasonably allocate effective resources and achieve sustainable growth.

Consulting and Training Services

Focusing on the enterprises’ needs of human resource management, we provide professional consulting solutions for human capital management around the whole life cycle management of employees such as SSC construction and digital transformation, organization and position system, rank system, salary and welfare system, remuneration big data, medium and long-term incentives, and performance appraisal. Meanwhile, we encourage the progress of enterprise talents through training methods such as workshops and open courses.

HR SSC Outsourcing

We assist companies in establishing HR sharing service centers (SSC), to realize the online employee service and management, and increase the service effectiveness. Meanwhile, we offer a number of services specially designed for HR SSC, including the professional onsite sorting of internal processes, on-the-job services for employees, and call center outsourcing services, which can increase the efficiency of HR SSC and employee satisfaction.








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